The NEW Super Suggestion!

If you like this, please ‘like’ and share! When I was first learning formal hypnosis (specifically eliciting hypnotic phenomena and street hypnosis), one of the ideas that was being promoted by several U.K. trainers was that of the ‘super suggestion’… “From now on everything I say will become your reality, fully and completely” (Or something…

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Hypno Trick…The Incredible Shrinking Arm!

If you like this, please ‘like’ and share! Everyone has a moment that starts their hypnosis journey… mine was seeing Derren Brown on the Jonathan Ross show back in 2002 and thinking “whatever that guy is doing, I’m going to learn it” So I started on a path of performing mentalism and ultimately (alnongside Hypnotherapy…

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Psychedelic Hypnosis… What is the point of mind bending hypnotism?

If you like this, please ‘like’ and share! Following on from the last video entry on the HWT blog – How to Make Someone Hallucinate with Hypnosis – I received the following question from Joe G via Jame Tripp | Chaos Wave on YouTube: “James, may I ask please, as a layman, what good can…

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How Can I Make Someone Hallucinate with Hypnosis?

If you like this, please ‘like’ and share! People often ask “how can I make someone [insert outcome of choice] with hypnosis?” In my view, these kinds of questions are based on popular misunderstandings of hypnotism and hypnosis (not helped by the likes of Hypnotist Paul McKenna with his “I Can Make You…” series of…

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Hypnosis Vs Influence Vs Persuasion Vs Manipulation

“Hi James One question please – for you, what’s the difference between hypnosis, persuasion and influence?” This is a question from Luis V. In replying, I have added in a forth category – ‘manipulation’. In some ways they are all ‘taking a different slice of the same cake’, but distinctions can be useful, so this…

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Can I Hypnotize My Mother To Stop Hassling Me?

This video is a direct response to a question sent to me here via the HWT site: “Can the Arm-Pull Induction (the instant induction) be tried on my mother, because she is always tensed about my results, the house and this that…” People often think hypnosis and NLP are some forms of direct ‘mind control’…

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‘Mind Control’ Versus ‘Steering the Flow’

Control. So often, when people think about hypnosis they think about ‘control’, and specifically, ‘mind control’. Now there are some teachers of hypnosis out there who will tell you that that is exactly what hypnosis is, but in doing so, they are perpetuating a misunderstanding that sadly robs them and others of the opportunity to…

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The Haunted Key Returns – Happening in Someone Else’s Hand!

Hi All It is about a week and a half since I posted The Haunted Key – Self Hypnosis and the Ideomotor Response. The post got a lot of interest, both from people who enjoyed it and tried it out as well as a few who were claiming that I was not really doing what…

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The Haunted Key – Self-Hypnosis and the Ideomotor Response

Hi Folks ***VIDEO BELOW*** This is a slightly ‘left of field’ (off key?) piece, which initially I was not going to share because I thought it might be a bit ‘out there’, but… Essentially I am taking myself into an altered reality to generate a hypnotic phenomenon – an ideomotor effect. Now this looks nothing…

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Derren Brown’s Assassin

Hi Y’all ***Video Below*** If you are in the UK you will have had the opportunity to watch the first of Derren Brown’s The Experiments series. This first episode was called The Assassin and took the form of an intricate experiment to find out whether a regular person could be ‘hypnotically programmed’ to become assassinate…

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