The Deep Intelligence Within! (Hypnolicks #1) | Hypnosis & NLP Language Skills

If you like this, please ‘like’ and share! I put this video up on James Tripp | Chaos Wave a couple of weeks back, but didn’t get to putting it up here (a lot more goes up to the channel than makes it onto the blog, so you might want to go to YouTube and…

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Hypnosis & NLP… Can’t Visualize?!?

If you like this, please ‘like’ and share! One of the most common barriers I hear of in NLP and Hypnosis based changework (and even in self development visualization) is the objection “I can’t visualize!”… but there is absolutely no reason that this should ever be an obstacle or – if handled well – even…

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Conscious/Unconscious Bridging ‘Induction’!

If you like this, please ‘like’ and share! This short clip demonstrates a variation on the classic hypnosis ‘hand levitation’ induction utilising a frame that is therapeutically useful but also pretty much guarantees success. I was originally introduced to the concept by master Ericksonian (or Post-Ericksonian) Hypnotist Stephen Gilligan and have found it to be…

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Rapid Inductions Versus Ericksonian Inductions!

If you like this, please ‘like’ and share! This video is my reply to the following set of questions from an NLP Practitioner and Hypnotist schooled in what is often called and ‘Ericksonian’ approach to hypnosis and trance (really ‘post Ericksonian’ or ‘Neo-Ericksonian’ might be better labels as no-one quite does what Milton H Erickson…

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A True Story of Conversational Hypnosis

“What will be your level of responsibility and culpability when someone is injured or killed as a result of your decision” This is the true story of how this line – a piece of strategically structured ‘hypnotic language’ – changed a major decision by a governmental regulatory body. I originally learned ‘conversational hypnosis’ through the…

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Hypnosis & Self-Efficacy – A Conversation with Adam Eason and James Tripp

Originally Broadcast Tuesday June 10 2014   Video and event details below!   A couple of weekends back I was at the Change | Phenomena conference in London Docklands, and was fortunate enough to catch Adam Eason’s presentation on Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy. Now, I always enjoy listening to Adam speak, but this one was a…

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