Mindflow… Live!

12th and 13th October 2013 – Letchworth Garden City


A Live Transformative ‘Flowshop’ with James Tripp

Learn to step out of your own way and connect with your innate wellbeing, charisma and creativity!

>>> So are you ready to re-connect with flow?

A Message from James Tripp

Flow. Flow is powerful. To borrow from the opening of the Wikipedia entry:

“Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energised focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. …flow is completely focused motivation. It is a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the ultimate experience in harnessing the emotions in the service of performing and learning. In flow, the emotions are not just contained and channeled, but positive, energized, and aligned with the task at hand.”

Essentially flow is the human peak performance state… one that is characterised by being fully immersed in the moment for its own sake. And one that is naturally productive and creative in and of itself. Flow feels good and is just precisely the state in which we are at our very best. What’s not to like? 🙂

The trouble is, as we grow up we are societally conditioned and ‘hypnotised’ out of our natural ability to flow. We are taught ways of thinking and interacting with the world that crush it and ultimately destroy our inherent motivation, creativity and charismatic expression; instead generating procrastination, overwhelment, stress and indefinitely deferred fulfilment.

Instead of flow, we are conditioned into ‘grind’.

This workshop is all about escaping that conditioning, dissolving that ‘grind’ and re-connecting you to your flow… to this ‘king of states’ that frees you to be you at your best – your most creative, your most charismatic, your most productive and your most fulfilled.

Across this unique weekend you will be lead through a series of flow activation exercises created from a range of sources (Tai Chi, Russian Systema, Nei Gong meditation, music, movement and breath arts, improvisation, New Code NLP, Neurofeedback and more) and progressively familiarised with the feeling of flow and shown practical ways to access it at will. This is a PRACTICAL flowshop designed to be one of the most powerful state accessing experiences you will ever partake in, which will connect you with one of the most powerful resources for daily life.

The weekend will also be underpinned by profound and practical understandings of this state and it’s relationship to your personal potential, derived from a rich array of sources (Eastern and western philosophy, psychology, neuroscience and direct experiential research)

Bring comfortable clothes and indoor shoes (barefoot is OK too) – this is a weekend of transformative activity and flow so you will be moving.

Because this is the first time I have run this workshop format, I am offering it at a special price of £297, which is £100 less than my standard workshop price. Please be aware that it will not run again at this price!

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  • russ henrichs

    September 1, 2013

    Thank you James. You are always in an interesting place. I believe I read Frost’s line “The fact is the sweetest dream that labor knows” a long time ago. You have perhaps given in a more precise context. Your comments about the mind/body intertwining connection makes me ask: What about disabled persons? I phrase that as a generality, but what if a person who is a hypnotist but is physically unable to perform martial arts? I presume the first step in expanding the awareness of the Flow concepts would be to read the books you mentioned. Thanks you for expanding my horizons once again. Russ H.

    • admin

      September 1, 2013

      Hi Russ

      That is a good question. The Martial Arts I have predominantly studies are the Chinese ‘Internal’ Martial Arts. I don’t know how much you know about this kind of stuff, but it is about focusing in on the subtleties of movement and flow, so large movements are not required to study this (to implement in a combat situation, yes. But to study, no). In fact, with the Nei Gong meditation practises, there is no obvious movement at all.

      I can’t imagine Erickson did much leaping about, but I would imagine that he had a great understanding of timing, rhythm and flow, and that he would ‘hypnotise’ with full presence and everything he was. This is what counts.

      I would also say here that whilst learning to flow physically is a fantastic bridge/gateway to learning to flow mentally, one can go in and work directly at the level of mind (it is just a more subtle and less tangible thing, so can be more of a challenge to play at that level initially).

      Thanks again fro raising a great point!



  • Don Bane

    September 1, 2013

    You never cease to amaze. Your unique ability to fuse your personal life components to one central idea and then present it simply lets you bring your gifts to this “reality” space for us to stumble across. It is a true throwback to the essence of learning from a real master in a back and forth sharing of ideas, information and personal movement. This is probably over the top for you as a comment and it only represents my attempt to acknowledge your willingness to let us go on your journey as it FLOWS . I look forward to continue to follow how and where you lead. You continue to be a great SOURCE. We have corresponded before in your early HTW life and I look forward to watching now. Thanks again.

  • Cezar

    September 21, 2013

    Hi, James

    You mentioned the example with the kid who set up for building his robot, and got busy building it by improvising with what he has around.

    I wonder what would happen if somebody would come up and wake up his ego, saying things like: “How is it going, did you progress with anything? Is it going well? Look, what you need to do first is to write down a plan, right now, this is what grown ups do. Then, analyze that plan and make corrections. Really think it through. Imagine ALL the things that could go wrong and find ways of dealing with them, as they show up. Also, you need to improve your skills, so you better go to this class and learn the principles of building robots. [and so on and so forth…]

    I wonder if that kid would even think again in his life of building anything at all… 🙂

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