Conversational Hypnosis Vs. Conversation

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Is ‘Conversational Hypnosis’ going mainstream? (Video Below.)

I short while ago I read a most interesting article regarding a study in the application of conversational hypnosis as part of prep for surgery. Here’s an excerpt (link to full article below)…

The technique of soothing the patient with words is referred to as “conversational hypnosis,” and the researchers found that it actually is quite helpful before surgery as a substitute for medication.

“The anesthesiologist uses calm, positive words to divert the patient’s attention and help him or her feel more comfortable,” Dr. Emmanuel Boselli, lead author of the study and a physician anesthesiologist at Édouard Herriot Hospital in France, said in the press release. “It reflects a change in the way the physician interacts with the patient and takes just a few minutes.”

The researchers examined 100 patients who were undergoing hand surgery. Half of them were given conversational hypnosis, and the other half were given 25 mg of oral hydroxyzine about an hour before anesthesia. They measured the patients’ anxiety levels with the comfort scale and the Analgesia/Nociception Index (ANI), a test that analyzes heart rate variability from zero (completely relaxed) to 100 (stressed). The results showed that the patients who had undergone conversational hypnosis received an average ANI of 51 beforehand and 78 afterward. Those who received meds had an average ANI of 63 before and 70 after.

“Conversational hypnosis can be used prior to surgery in conscious patients having local or regional anesthesia,” Boselli said in the press release. “It also could be beneficial before general anesthesia to decrease patient anxiety.”

Following sharing this article on Facebook I got this fantastic question from a fellow hypnotist:

Question: I do love this. But I’ve never been au fait with conversational hypnosis. That might well be of course through my own ignorance. But, for example, looking at the above photograph, at what stage does a conversation become conversational hypnosis?

My answer: I think there is a sense in which all conversation is hypnotic. But I would call conversation ‘conversational hypnosis’ when there is an intention to strategically shift immediate experience through directing attention, leading cognition and seeding ideas.

To check out the article that this video refers to, go here!

And please do use the comment section to ask questions or share perspectives!

About The Author

James Tripp

Hypnotist and Transformative Facilitator. Creator of Hypnosis Without Trance.


  • Elcon Fleur

    February 18, 2018

    Great article, James!

    Would love to do a video on this subject myself, even though you said it much like I would have ☺

    Any conversation between two or more people has an intent. The primary intent is to exchange information. A secondary intent is for the information to be understood by the other person(s), regardless if agreement is met or not.

    As we often find in conversation that this exchange of information is not always understood as is intended. Not on the first attempt and neither on any following attempts is understanding guaranteed.

    My take on this is that any conversation can include a strategy in an attempt to achieve understanding of one’s point of view on a subject. Yet, this is not hypnosis by definition. This is so, because hypnosis attempts to alter the awareness of consciousness and not perception per se. Changing or influencing perception is what follows _after_ awareness of the subject has been altered.

    Please refer to the ABSU formula.

    • James Tripp

      February 28, 2018

      Hi Elcon

      Great contribution. Than you!

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